Welcome to the Ladybirds !
This is where babies’ aged 6-19 months begin their journey with us. As you and your baby settle in, we will talk to you about routines at home to obtain as much information as we can to help you feel part of the nursery. The information you give us will be followed at Little Steps, although we have noticed that over time the babies naturally fall into the nursery routine. However, we will not make any changes without consulting you first.
Babies’ moods and interests vary, and often our planned activities need to be adapted to their needs. We plan a main focused activity in the morning and afternoon, supported by a selection of activities and resources in an enabling environment to encourage them to become independent learners.
7.45 - 8.30 a.m.
8.30 - 9.45 a.m.
To allow the babies to develop a ‘strong exploratory impulse’, each day they are offered a ‘focused activity’. This is adult led and includes activities such as mark-making, cornflour, play dough and construction.
10 a.m.
Snack time. The babies are offered a choice of two healthy options. Each child has access to his or her own named beaker throughout the day.
Child-initiated play relates to the babies’ individual interests which can vary widely. For example, if you have visited a farm as a family, this may have aroused their curiosity and interest in animals which we can then introduce into their play. This can be done in a variety of simple ways such as through songs and stories as well as by using other resources (e.g. farm animals and tractors) to develop their interest and understanding.
The Ladybirds have their own time to explore the garden, though sometimes they join the Caterpillars there. The outside area gives the babies a chance to experience and explore. They have the freedom of the large garden and a wide variety of resources to play with.
11.00 a.m.
We have singing and story time before washing our hands and sitting down together for lunch.
11.15 a.m.
Lunch. The babies are always encouraged to try new food textures and tastes. To foster independence and improve their self-help skills, they are encouraged to use spoons and forks and to learn, with help and guidance, how to wipe their hands and faces.
12.00 - 2.00 p.m.
Sleep time. The babies all have a sleep, either in a cot or on a sleep mat with a comforter if needed.
2.00 p.m.
When we wake up we enjoy a light snack followed by more fun activities similar to those enjoyed during morning play.
3.15 p.m.
4.00 p.m.
Child initiated play until it is time to go home.